Asking Help From Dead is Shirk From Soofi Scholars

I will InshaAllah mention quotes of some soofi scholars from whom brailwis and other soofi sects ask help directly by saying “Ya Gawth al adham madad, Ya Ahmad Rifai madad” etc.

Note: In Ghuniya tul Talibeen P 416, Al-Jilani names different sects of the Shi’ah:
“The Mufawwadiyya [Delegationists] take their name from the fact that, according to their doctrine, Allah has delegated (fawwada) the management of the creation to the Imams, and that Allah (Exalted is He) actually endowed the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) with the power to create and manage the universe, while Allah Himself played no part at all in this creation. They make the same claim on behalf of `Ali (may Allah be well pleased with him). There are some among them who, when they catch sight of a cloud in the sky, will greet it with the Islamic salutation [sallama ‘alaih], thereby expressing their conviction that `Ali (may Allah be well pleased with him) is up there inside it, as we have explained in a previous account of this belief.”

Note 2: Miracles are not in the hands of Awliya and Prophets

‘Allamah Sun’ Allah al-Halabi (d.1120 AH) writes
“As for their support that these powers are from their karamat [and at their discretion], it is fallacious, because karamah is something that originates from Allah by which He honors (yukrim) His friends and prophets, without their intention, challenge, power and knowledge, as in the matter of Maryam bint ‘Imran, Usayd ibn Hudayr, Abu Musa al-Khawlani, and those that are like them as you will soon learn. Thus it can’t be said that they are from their powers and [nor can it] be unqualifiedly said of them what they say of tasarruf (discretion). ‘Undoubtedly they utter an evil word and a lie’ (58:2) and the sincere Muslims are free from such things.[Sayfullah ‘ala man Kadhiba ‘ala Awliya’ Allah – The Sword of Allah against one who attributes lies toward the friends of Allah page 45]

Note 3: Shaykh ul Islam Ibn Tamiya said regarding saying “O Allah i ask you through your prophet means”
: والتوسل بالإيمان به وطاعته ومحبته والصلاة والسلام عليه ، وبدعائه وشفاعته ، ونحوه مما هو من فعله أو أفعال العباد المأمور بها في حقه : مشروع إجماعا ، وهو من الوسيلة المأمور بها في قوله تعالى { اتقوا الله وابتغوا إليه الوسيلة } وقال الإمام أحمد وغيره من العلماء : في قوله عليه أفضل الصلاة والسلام { أعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شر ما خلق } الاستعاذة لا تكون بمخلوق .

” Tawassul with Iman in him (peace be upon him), obedience to him(peace be upon him), love for him (peace be upon him), salam on him(peace be upon him), or with his du’a and his shafa’ah, which is from his actions or actions of worship ordered for his right, this is legislated by consensus’, and this is from Wasilah ordered ” And Seek Wasilah to Him”. Imam Ahmad and other scholars said regarding the saying of Prophet peace be upon him {“I seek refuge in the perfect Words of Allaah” } “There is no Seeking refuge in creation[quoted by al-Mardawi in al-Insaaf]

Note 4: The story attributed to Rifai shaking hands with the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam at his grave is false as mentioned by some sufis that this story is mentioned by Jalal ud din asSuyuti. Below is the response:

a) Muftis of Islamweb States:

All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad , is His slave and Messenger.

“We have already clarified that the story of Ar-Rafaa’i shaking hands with the Prophet , is among the lies and the false claims propagated by the Sufis to deceive the public, especially the stories written by the followers of the Ahmadiyyah Tareeqah about their Shaykh Ahmad Ar-Rifaa’i.
Ibn Taymiyyah said: “This group exaggerate, commit Shirk [associating partners to Allaah] and deviate from the Sharee’ah, and they share some characteristics with the Raafidhah (Shiite sect), and they lie nearly or exactly like them or even more than them. Indeed, they are among the sects that lie most, to an extent that it was said about them: “Do not say that someone lies more than the Jews do about Allaah, but say that he lies more than the followers of the Ahmadiyyah Tareeqah do about their Shaykh!”

On the other hand, the paper (Ash-Sharaf Al-Muhattam) is unlikely to have been authored by As-Suyooti as there is much doubt about attributing it to him. Shaykh Abdullaah Al-Ghumaari Al-Hasani wrote a paper entitled “An-Naqd Al-Mubram Li Risaalat Ash-Sharaf Al-Muhattam” to prove the invalidity of the Karaamah (extraordinary event) of the stretched hand (i.e. the claim that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alyhi wa sallam, stretched his hand from his grave to Shaykh Ahmad Ar-Rifaa’i) as well as the invalidity of attributing the paper Ash-Sharaf Al-Muhattam to As-Suyooti.

Ibn Katheer wrote the biography of Ar-Rafaa’i in his book entitled “Al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah”, but he did not mention this story; also An-Nawawi did not mention it.

Moreover, some researchers mentioned that some books that were written about the biography of As-Suyooti did not mention this paper among his numerous writings. Furthermore, As-Suyooti himself did not mention it among his papers and books when he wrote his own biography in his book entitled “Husn Al-Muhaadharah”.

In addition, this alleged paper contains errors that could never be made by As-Suyooti such as his comment on the Hadeeth “I passed by Moosa (Moses ) on the night of my ‘Israa’ (night journey from Makkah to Jerusalem) at the red dune while he was standing in his grave praying”; that it was narrated by Ibraaheem in Al-Hilyah; while the Hadeeth is in Saheeh Muslim. Moreover, the author of Al-Hilyah is Abu Nu’aym Ahmad Ibn Abdullaah Al-Asbahaani and not Ibraaheem.

Therefore, it is utterly unlikely that As-Suyooti who was well-known for authoring compilations and books of Hadeeth and Takhreej (referring each Hadeeth to its sources), such as Al-Jaami’ Al-Kabeer, Al-Jaami’ As-Sagheer, Al-Khasaa’is, Ad-Durr Al-Manthoor, would refer this Hadeeth to Al-Hilyah and even make a mistake about the name of its author.
Allaah Knows best. (END QUOTE FROM iSLAMWEB)

b) Mahmud Shukri al Alusi said:

أن أحسن من رواها الإمام السيوطي، وقد أسندها إلى بعض المجاميع، ولم يذكر لها سنداً واهياً فضلاً عن أن يكون صحيحاً، مع أن حاله في الرواية معلوم، فقال في كتابه (تنوير الحلك في رؤية النبي والملك) : وفي بعض المجاميع؛ وذكر القصة والبيتين على وجه الاختصار مع أن هذه القصة لو صحّت لتوفرت الدواعي على نقلها، لأنها حادث عظيم وخارق عجيب، فالشيء الذي تتوفر الدواعي على نقله ولم يذكره أحد من الثقات بل ذكره الدجالون الضالون المضلون فهو لا شك تزوير وبهتان، وكذب من إفك شيطان.

The best among those who mentioned this story is as-Suyuti Rahimullah who only gave reference of some colections, and did not even mentioned any weak chain of narrators leave a side any authentic chain.. H e said in his book Tanveer al Haalik that “it is mentioned in some collections” and mentioned this story and a poetry. If this story was authentic then it should be mentioned in general because this is great event and strange Kharq al adah… still this story is not mentioned by trustworthy people rather liars, deviants and dajjaal type of people narrated this. [Ghayat al Eemani 1/347]

Then he said:

أن كثيراً من أهل العلم والأدب نسب البيتين إلى غير أحمد الرفاعي. قال الشيخ صلاح الدين الصفدي في تذكرته: حكي أن ابن الفارض لما اجتمع بالشهاب السهروردي في مكة أنشده
في حالة البعد روحي كنت أرسلها … تقبل الأرض عني وهي نائبتي
وهذه نوبة الأشباح قد حضرت
… فامدد يمينك كي تحظى بها شفتي
وكفى بما ذكره الشيخ صلاح الدين هذا شاهداً على بطلان ما ادعاه غلاة الرفاعية ومبتدعتهم، فإن هذا الشيخ كان إماماً أديباً ناظماً ناثراً، ولد سنة ست وتسعين وستمائة، وقد عقد له ابن السبكي ترجمة مجملة في “طبقاته”.
وممن نقل ذلك الشهاب الخفاجي الشافعي في كتابه (طراز المجالس) وأن البيتين من شعر ابن الفارض لما اجتمع بالسهروردي في مكة قال: “وقد نسب هذا لغيره، ولم يذكر الغير ولم يصرح باسمه “.”
Many of the people of knowledge and adab attributed this poetry to others rather than Ahmad ar-Rafaai. Salah al-din as-Safadi (696h-764h) said in his Tadhkirah “It is related that when Ibn Faaridh met Shihab Suharwardi in Mecca then he recited the following poetry:

في حالة البُعدِ رُوحي كُنتُ أرسِلُها ** تُقَبِّلُ الأرضَ عَنّي وَهيَ نَائِبَتي
وهذه نوبة الأشباح قد حضرت ** فَامدُدْ يَمينَكَ كَي تَحظَى بِها شَفتي

Shihab Khafaji in his book “Taraaz al Majalis” also attributed this poetry to Ibn Faaridh when he met Shihab Suharwardi in Mecca. [Ghayat al Emani 1/348]

Ibn Khaldoon (732 h to 796 h) on so called karamaat and fabrications of Rifaai Tareeqah

Ibn Khaldoon said in his Kitab al Ibar
قد كثر الزغل في أصحاب الشيخ قدس سره وتجددت لهم أحوال شيطانية منذ أخذت التتار العراق من دخول النيران وركوب السباع واللعب بالحيات وهذا ما لا يعرفه الشيخ ولا صلحاء أصحابه فنعوذ بالله تعالى من الشيطان الرجيم
The companions of Shaykh (Rifaai) قدس سره are Deceiving much more (than before), When Tatar took power in Iraq since then they have got new satanic things like going in to fire, riding wild animals, playing with snakes. Shaykh (Rifaai) and his righteous companions have no attachment with these non Islamic things. And we seek refuge with Allah from the Accursed Shaytan. [Quoted by al Alusi in his Tafsir Ruh al Mani 9/67]

2. Khawaja Ghulam Fareed said
Asking help from other than Allah is shirk rather tauheed is specially asking help from Allah [Maqabees al-Majalis page 799, reference Taken from Molana Abu Ayyub Qadri Hanafi`s article. “A glimpse on Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhaddith dehelwi and the maslak of Al Hadrat (Ahmad Raza Khan) in response to Hunayf Qureshi Qadri Hanafi” ]

3. Even Muḥyiddin ibn Arabi knew one should only ask from Allah.

He said:
وحى الله تعالى إلى موسى يا موسى لا تجعل غيري موضع حاجتك وسلني حتى الملح تلقيه في عجينك‏
هذا تعليم الله نبيه موسى عليه السلام ولقد رأيته سبحانه وتعالى في النوم فقال لي وكلني في أمورك فوكلته فما رأيت إلا عصمة محضة لله الحمد على ذلك

Allah revealed to Musa aleh salam: “O Musa, Do not ask someone else in your need. Ask me, even the salt for your flour”

This is what Allah taught Musa Aleh salam, I saw Allah in my dream. HE said to me: “make ME your guardian in all of your affairs”. So I made him my guardian, I saw a pure way (against satan) in it. [Futuhaat al Makkiyah 2/264]

4. Ali Hajvery (d 465 h) sufi vs the extreme sufis.

Ali Hajvery who is known by Data Ganj Baksh (The master who bestows treasures) by the sufis, whose shrine is the most popular and venerated abundantly in Lahore, He said to himself:

O Ali, the creation calls you “The giver of bounties” even though you have not even a small stone… “The giver of bounties” and نج بخش is only Allah, There is nothing like Him.

[Kashf al Asraar by Ali Hajvery page 21, Zia ul Qur`an Publications]

5. The sufi Abdul Haq Muhaddith dehalwi (985 h-1052 h) on asking the dead for help.

He said:
The best saying in the matter of visiting the graves is that (when visiting the grave) supplication should be done for the dead and do istighfar for them, this is mentioned in the sunnah. It is not allowed to ask help from them which is rejected by many of the fuqaha and they say, the visiting of the grave is only for supplication and doing istighfar for the dead….

Touching, kissing, bowing, taking the dust is the habit of Christians and reading the Quran near the grave is disliked according to Abu Hanifa and Muhammad (ibn Hasan ash Shaybani).

[Fath al Rahman fe Athbaat Madhab an-Numan 3/203]

6. The Naqshbandi Qadhi Thanaullah Panipati on asking help from Abdil Qadir al Jeylani Rahimaullah.

I have seen a brailwi quoting Qadhi Thanaullah that he said:

The meaning of Martyrs being alive is that “ALLAH GRANTS THEIR SOULS THE POWER OF BODIES AND THEN THEY CAN VISIT anywhere they want TO EARTH, HEAVEN and PARADISE , THEY ALSO HELP THEIR FRIENDS AND KILL THEIR ENEMIES”, due to such life the earth does not consume their bodies…. It is an accepted fact that such life is not only granted to Martyrs rather its proven from Athaar and Ahkaam that Anbiya have greatest power in this regard, due to this reasoning the wives of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) are not allowed to re-marry after his passing away, whereas marriage is allowed with the widow of martyr, The Sadiqeen also have superior status in this life than martyres… this is why Allah said: …those on whom is the Grace of Allah,- of the prophets (who teach), the sincere (lovers of Truth), the witnesses (who testify), and the Righteous (who do good): Ah! what a beautiful fellowship! (4:69).. “DUE TO THIS REASON THE SUFIS SAY THAT THEIR SPIRITS ARE THEIR BODIES AND THEIR BODIES ARE THEIR SPIRITS, THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF KNOWN EXPERIENCES THROUGH WHICH IT IS PROVEN THAT AWLIYA HELP THEIR FRIENDS AND DESTROY THEIR ENEMIES” plus those whom Allah wants to guide they are guided through them (i.e. Awliya) [Tafsir al Mazhari, Volume No. 1, Page No. 246]

In above quote Qadhi Thanaullah did not mention that people ask help from them. Rather he said, they help their friends like in the athar of Umar May Allah be pleased with him where he said “Ya Saariya the Mountain”. Saariya did not ask the help rather it was karamah of Umar. We have already mentioned ahadith in other articles that Momin can not visit this world. So to say Martyrs visit the world needs evidence but Let us see what Qadhi said regarding asking help from Auliyah which is the point of discussion here.

Qadi Thana’ullah said Ya Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jaylani shay’an lillah is shirk and kufr.

He said:
“And the statements of the ignorant ones: ‘Ya Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jaylani shay’an lillah‘ and ‘Ya Khawaja Shams al-Din al-Panipati shay’an lillah‘ (‘Oh Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Jaylani give something for the sake of Allah’, and ‘Oh Khawaja Shams al-Din Panipati give something for the sake of Allah’) are not permissible. In fact, they are shirk (polytheism) and kufr. But if someone says: ‘Oh my lord, through the mediation of Khawaja Shams al-Din Panipati fulfil the following need of mine…’ then this will be correct… If someone says “والذين يدعون من دون الله عبادأمثالكم ” is for kuffar and idols, He will be told that the word ” دون الله ” is general… And if someone read as wazeefa “Ya Muhammad, Ya Muhammad” then it is not allowed.”

(Irshad al Talibeen page 18-19)

Its Urdu Tarjuma, Tuhfatul Saalikeen tarjuma Irshad al-Talibin, p.22 and 23)

Important thing to note is that this passage is not found in another Raza Khani translation by the name of Bustaan al Saalikeen tarjuma Irshad al Talibeen by Peer Muhammad Abid Husayn Saifi. This peer could not forge whole book obviously. So he had to mention the following quote by Qaadhi Thanaullah which states:

“If any person says that Allah Most High and His prophet are witness in a certain act, then that person becomes a kafir. The awliya of Allah do not have the ability or power to bring a non-existent thing into existence nor to make an existing thing non-existent. Hence, to relate to them the power of bringing into existence and taking out of existence, sustenance, granting of children, removing and averting illness and hardships, etc. is an act of kufr. Allah says: ‘Say (Oh Muhammad [may Allah bless him and grant him peace]), I do not have the power to benefit or harm my own self, except what Allah wills…’

(Bustaan al Saalikeen tarjuma Irshad al Talibeen, p.48)

That peer also could not forge the following fatwa.

Qadhi Thanaullah said:

Auliyah of Allah do not have knowledge of unseen but somethings are informed to them due to kharq adah, kashf or ilham as Allah says: “Say: (O Prophet) I do not say to you that I have the treasures of Allah nor that I know the unseen (ghayb).” (Bustaan al Saalikeen tarjuma Irshad al Talibeen, p.44-46)

Note: These  translations are done by deobandi students from deoband blog. Only last line of first passage and the last paragraph is translated by me. Also Shaykh Panipat was sufi Naqshbandi but still he said its shirk to say Ya Abdul Qadir Help me. We do not care about his other quotes which are maybe against the salaf. I have mentioned the quotes from which the aiteqaad of some ignorant is proven shirk and kufr.

The Prophets, Auliya and others have no power to help according to Qadhi Thana ullah.

Allah says in al Faatir verse 14

“If you call them, they do not hear your call, and even if they were to hear, they would not respond to you. And on the Day of Judgment they will deny your having held them as Allah’s partners. And none can inform you like Him who is Aware.”

Qadhi Thanaullah Panipati said:

Firstly they could not hear your call as they have no soul, and if there is someone among them who can comprehend like Iblees and others then he could not help you. Because they do not have any POWER to benefits secondly they are free from you and your shirk like Eesa and Uzair and Angels. [Tafsir Mazhari 9/341]

7. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jailani writes:
يا من يشكو إلى الخلق مصائبه إيش ينفعك شكواك إلى الخلق لا ينفعونك ولا يضرونك ، وإذا اعتمدت عليهم وأشركت في باب الحق يبعدونك وفي سخطه يوقعونك وعنه يحجبونك أنت يا جاهل تدعي العلم من جملة جهلك بشكواك إلى الخلق
O you who complain your hardship his calamities to the creatures like him .. They never give you benefit nor take a harm from you. And if you repent on them and you set them as partners in regards to the matter of Allah. They will distant you from Allah. They will be throwing you, O you who ignorant claiming to be having knowledge. Seeking salvation from difficulties by addressing your complain to those creatures like you?.[Fath al-Rabbani page 117-118] Scan page 117
Scan page 118

He also said
ويلك! ماتستحي تطلب من غير الله عزوجل وهو أقرب إليك من غيره
Woe to you, Aren’t you ashamed to seek your need and help from someone other than Allah, While HE is closer to you than all others.[Fath al-Rabbani page 159]

He also said
لا تدع مع الله أحدا كما قال الله عزوجل وَأَنَّ الْمَسَـجِدَ لِلَّهِ فَلاَ تَدْعُواْ مَعَ اللَّهِ أَحَداً
Do not call anyone beside Allah as Allah said And the Masjids are for Allah, so invoke not anyone along with Allah[Fath al-Rabbani page 184] Scan:–mcAqMzcvh_z4k4KHBs6b0lk2Vl7x9fCxZ1oLhGe_FeW8rAJtU9VA1XGmD30-5KbPjxZQHI1vvvKqEiw.jpg

Now a days brailwis ask Prophet peace be upon him and Shaykh Jilani in Masajid naudhubillah

He said
اتبعوا و لا تبتدعوا، وافقوا و لا تخالفوا، أطيعوا و لا تعصوا، أخلصوا و لا تشركوا، وحدوا الحق عزّ و جلّ و عن بابه فلا تبرحوا. سلوه و لا تسألوا غيره، استعينوا به و لا تستعينوا بغيره، توكلوا عليه و لا تتوكلوا على غيره.
“Follow and obey and do not innovate. Agree with the religion and do not differ, obey and do not disobey, have sincerity and do not do Shirk. Accept Allaah as one and do not turn away from him. Ask Allaah and do not ask others. Ask him for help and do not ask anyone else for help. Have reliance and trust in him and do not have reliance in anyone else.” (al-Fath ur-Rabbaanee (pg.191,192 الفتح الرباني للجيلاني المجلس السابع والأربعون ).

Scan1 Scan2


he also said
لاتسئل الخلق شئياً فانهم عجزة فقراء لايملكون لانفسهم ولالغيرهم ضراً ولا نفعا
“Do not ask the creation for anything, for they are powerless and in need. They do not possess for themselves and nor for anyone apart from them any harm or benefit.”[Fath al-Rabbani, majlis # 50 p.209]


Now even after these clear statements, if someone says “no no, he told his followers to ask from him and Prophet peace be upon him”, okay, even for the SAKE OF ARGUMENT that he did say these things to his followers, then the answer is that he repented from all those things because when he was sick and about to die. adviced his son by saying.
ولا تخف أحدًا ولا ترجه، وكِل الحوائج كلها إلى الله عز وجل، واطلبها منه، ولا تثق بأخد سوى الله عزوجل ولا تعتمد إلا عليه سبحانه التوحيد التوحيد التوحيد وجماع الكل التوحيد
Don’t fear anyone and don’t hope anyone, and address all your needs to Allah alone, seek your need from him.. and do not depend on anyone other than Allah atTawheed, atTawheed, atTawheed.[Fath al-Rabbani page 373]

Note: There is a qaseedah attributed to him by his followers which states
“My drums have been beaten in the heavens and earth, and I have been given the rank of Good Luck. The empire of Allah is under my Command, and my time has been purified before birth.”

This qaseedah is not proven from him

Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
He had a dignified bearing, and he kept quiet except for enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil; he had very little interest in worldly gain (i.e., he was an ascetic); miracles were attributed to him; his followers and companions spoke a great deal about him and narrated from him his words, actions and miracles, but most of the reports about his miracles are exaggerated. He was righteous and pious, and wrote books called al-Ghunyah and Futooh al-Ghayb, in which there are good things and in which he also quoted da‘eef (weak) and mawdoo‘ (fabricated) hadeeths. To sum up, he was one of the leading shaykhs. Al-Bidaayah wa’n-Nihaayah, 12/768

It is clear from this article that even the soofi shaykhs from whom some ignorants of our time ask help, even they issued the fatwa of SHIRK.

see also