Meaning of- If I am someone’s Mawla then Ali is his Mawla too

The hadith “If I am someone’s mawla then ‘Ali is his mawla too” Ibn Maajah, 121 declared daeef by Al-Zayla’i alHanafi in Takhreej al-Hidaayah 1/189, Authenticated by Shaykh al Albani and Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai


There is difference of opinion about the authenticity of this hadeeth. But let us understand the meaning of this hadeeth from the Salaf and Khalaf. I heard a sufi molvi saying, Ali is our helper (maula) as Allah is our helper (maula.) And mentioned the hadith:

“For whomever I am his Mawla then ‘Ali is his Mawla.”

If mawla in the above hadith means helper as Allah is our helper then, at the time of Uhud where Ali ra was present, Prophet peace be upon him was present.

And when Abu Sufyan ra said, “We have (the idol) Al-`Uzza, whereas you have no `Uzza!” The Prophet (peace be upon him) said (to his companions), “Reply to him.”… “Say:
اللَّهُ مَوْلاَنَا وَلاَ مَوْلَى لَكُمْ
Allah is our Helper and you have no helper.” [Sahih al-Bukhari 4043, 4044]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) did not say I am the helper (Mawla) and Ali is our helper (Mawla), rather He said “Allah is our Helper”

So, whats the meaning of Mawla in the first hadith?
a) Prophet peace be upon him also said to Zaid bin haritha
‏ أَنْتَ أَخُونَا وَمَوْلاَنَا ‏‏
“You are our brother and our Mawla.” [Sahih al-Bukhari 2699]

b) Ibn al Araabi
Imam al Nahw wal Lughah wal Adab wal Insab Muhammad bin Ziaad Ibn al Araabi Abu Abdullah al-Haashmi (150 h to 231 h) said
المولى المالك وهو الله والمولى ابن العم والمولى المعتق والمولى المعتق والمولى الجار والمولى الشريك والمولى الحليف والمولى المحب والمولى اللوي والمولى الولي ومنه قول النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم) من كنت مولاه فعلي مولاه معناه من تولاني فليتول عليا قال ثعلب وليس هو كما تقول الرافضة إن عليا مولى الخلق ومالكهم وكفرت الرافضة في هذا لأنه يفسد من باب المعقول لأنا رأيناه يشتري ويبيع فإاذ كانت الأشياء ملكه فمن من يشتري ويبيع ولكنه من باب المحبة والطاعة ويدل على أن المولى والولي المحب
Mawla is al-Maalik who is Allah, Cousin, The one who frees the slave, The one who is freed, Business partner, The contractor, The Lover, The Influential, A Friend. All these are meaning of Mawla. Prophet peace be upon him said: “If I am someone’s mawla then ‘Ali is his mawla too”, Meaning whoever loves me than he must Love Ali. Tha`alab said: The saying of Rawafidh is not correct that Ali is mawla of creation meaning Maalik.. They have done kufr in this matter. This saying is even against aqal because we know Ali ra did buying and selling. When he is the Maalik of the things than what is the point of buying and selling? this is in the chapter of Love and obedience, In this hadith the meaning of Mawla is Love and friend [Tareekh Ibn Asaakir 42/238 the chain is hasan as mentioned in Majalla as-Sunnah no. 37 page 29]

c)Mulla Ali Qari mentioned
لا يستقيم أن تحمل الولاية على الإمامة التي هي التصرف في أمور المؤمنين ، لأن المتصرف المستقل في حياته هو هو – صلى الله عليه وسلم – لا غير فيجب أن يحمل على المحبة وولاء الإسلام ونحوهما .
it is incorrect to interpret the mawla as referring to the imam who conducts the affairs of the believers, because the only person who was in charge of the Muslims’ affairs during the lifetime of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the Prophet himself and no one else, so the word mawla must be interpreted as referring to love, the bonds of Islam and so on.[Mirqaat al Mafateeh no. 6091]

d) )Allama at-Teebi said
لا يستقيم أن تحمل الولاية على الإمامة التي هي التصرف في أمور المؤمنين ، لأن المتصرف المستقل في حياته هو هو – صلى الله عليه وسلم – لا غير فيجب أن يحمل على المحبة وولاء الإسلام ونحوهما .
it is incorrect to interpret the mawla as referring to the imam who conducts the affairs of the believers, because the only person who was in charge of the Muslims’ affairs during the lifetime of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the Prophet himself and no one else, so the word mawla must be interpreted as referring to love, the bonds of Islam and so on [Tuhfat al-Ahwadhi Sharh al-Tirmidhi, no 3713]

e) Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai
He used to say “Mawla Ali” in many of his talks and his meaning of saying mawla is same as mentioned above.

In short, The meaning deduced by Shiah and Brailwiyah from this hadeeth is self made meaning which is against the meaning mentioned by Scholars of Ahlus sunnah.